Help Wanted

We are currently looking for part time help in the office on sale days . Please call 507-825-3306 for more information.

Sale Calendar

Every Tuesday

Slaughter Hogs
9:00 AM
Hay & Straw
11:00 AM
Slaughter Cattle
12:00 Noon

1st & 3rd Wednesdays

Sheep & Goats (All Classes)
1:00 PM

2nd & 4th Thursdays

Stock Cows, Baby & Started Calves, Feeder Cattle
11:00 AM

3rd Thursday

Dairy Sale
Springers, Bred & Open Heifers; Breeding Bulls; Herd Dispersals
9:00 AM

Contact Our Office - 507-825-3306

For information about upcoming or past sales, or to learn how we can assist you with buying or selling, please complete the email contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.